Promoting a Charity Event

If you have a charity event coming up, undoubtedly you would want everyone to know about it for it to be an absolute success. Promoting your event creatively and using the correct tools is a must. This way, regardless of whether it is a bake sale, a charity dinner or even an auction, letting people know is vital. Here is how you should get about it:

Tip #1: Set up a promotions committee for your charity event. Sit everyone down and conduct a quick brainstorming session for ideas. Try to pick ideas that do not cost much. If you have a budget for advertising, then spend it wisely. If not, then there are enough of ways to promote your event absolutely free. You just need to look around.

Tip #2: Get the graphics wiz in your team to design some snazzy fliers. Then you can send them out by mail or even hand them out, leave them at the local coffee shop and supermarket. Wherever you think the target market frequents.

Tip #3: Tickets are also a good way to promote your event. Get some printed right away. This way, people know when and where the charity event is being held and the cost involved as well.

Tip #4: Rope in the local newspaper as a sponsor. This way, you can ask them to advertise your event in the paper. This is very important if your charity event is a big one.

Tip #5: The Internet is also a fabulous method of promoting an event. Send out an email; make it a Facebook event, update your twitter page and so on and so forth. Make sure that you include all the important details such as the name of the event, the date and the venue etc. This is a sure fire way of spreading the word around.

Tip #6: If your charity event is a huge one, then you could also try getting the local TV and Radio channels to sponsor it as well. This would mean more free publicity for the event.