The meaning of “Osho sannyas”

Rajneesh, also known as Osho to his devotees, has been regarded as one of the most original thinkers that India (and the world) has seen in the 20th century. But as with people who are progressive thinkers (as gleaned from the Osho discourses that are still in wide circulation these days), he also had several detractors that considered his way of thinking to break with tradition.

There are several reasons for this to happen. For example, according to him, Hinduism was losing its relevance in modern day living and through his interpretation, using philosophy from both the West and the East, he released several books on how one can attain spirituality in becoming an Osho sannyas.

While resistance to anything new seems to be the norm in any field of life, it was only long after he was gone that people woke to the fact that his interpretations which emphasized on the “universal brotherhood of man” is a dire need, considering the world that we live in today which is filled with hatred and division because of religion.

The life and impact that Rajneesh Osho had on the world will remain etched in our memories for a long time to come, and thankfully, if one never got the chance to see him, they can learn a lot about his understanding of spirituality, meditation among other things by finding books, CDs and so on and so forth that is available over the internet at nominal rates.