Charities Get Government Funding Boost

Some of the best known charitable organizations such as Planned Parenthood and other groups like the United Way are likely to get a shot in the arm through the funding of appropriations process in both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate. Planned Parenthood offers reproductive health services to many poor women both in the United States and around the world. The United Way on the other hand has been a key leader in building wheelchair ramps, new homes for the downtrodden and even returning veterans who are injured in a combat. The United Way has had a key relationship with professional groups such as the National Football League to remind kids of the importance of volunteering within their communities.

If you look at organizations like Charity Navigator they contend that funding generally has decreased over the last few years to help non-profit organizations. There may be evidence that there was a cut in the rate of increase to non-profit groups, but no actual cut in the rate of funding.

The faith based community has been key over the last decade in providing charitable services. President Obama has proposed an expansion of former President Bush’s faith based community outreach programs. Obama plans to increase the funding for the program by ten billion dollars. This news please people like Reverend Jim Wallis who is deeply involved in a lot of non-profit activity through his group Sojourners. Groups like the Children’s Defense Fund under Marian Wright Edelman are also likely to see an increase in federal dollars coming to their coffers. The Children’s Defense Fund will be key in showing the ropes to some of these faiths based organizations on how to better teach our children.