Number of Charity Stores Increase in Otago

Because of the opening of new charity stores in Oamaru and Dunedin (Charity Barns), the number of charity foundations in Otago increased. In Dunedin, one can find almost 6 charity stores which are open to collect donations like books, furniture, electronics, clothes and money to give to the people who need it most. If this is not enough, there will be more to open soon, as stated by the charity operators, and they expect the same support and success the other charity stores had.

One of the major charitable institutions in the state Charity Barns is a Christian, non-profit and Christchurch charity which is operated by different volunteers. The organization receives all kinds of donations from all over the state and gives almost half of what they have collected and received to the people who need those most, while the remainder of the said donations is sold for the organization to cover operating expenses and rental.

One of the lucky beneficiaries of the funds provided by Charity Barns is Mary’s Meals, which is an international group providing everyday meals in schools in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa. The group said that they have fed over 450,000 children in their campaign.

Because of the goodwill in Otago, the president of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society welcomed Charity Barns in the state, with the belief that it will get a lot of support from the people. The president also stated that it is better to do something good while they still have the time.