Starting a Childrens Charity

Putting together a children’s charity, just like setting up any other charity requires a lot of commitment, dedication and perseverance. There are also a number of things you need to do in order to ensure that your charity is recognized by the government, its agencies and other potential donor groups.

Step One: First, figure what kind of charity you would like to establish. It would be a good idea to analyze the area and decide on what is needed for the children. Amongst yourself and your group, research the legalities and required paperwork which is required by the Internal Revenue Service. You will also need to ensure that your charity is able to report back to the relevant authorities regarding the earnings and expenditures.

Step Two: Next, you need to figure out the mission and the goals of the charity. It is at this stage that you need to ensure that you secure a group of volunteers and start looking into funding mechanisms. A well-worded mission is necessary for this. Ensure that it not only outlines the scope of your charity, but its functions as well.

Step Three: Put together the Articles of Incorporation. This document is one of the legal steps that are necessary when setting up a children’s charity. The Articles of Incorporation just requires you to provide basic information regarding the charity, its name, purpose, scope, structure and other important facts.

Step Four: Define bylaws for your charity. These will outline the manner in which the charity will operate, how the hierarchy will be responsible for all major decisions and how you intend the charity to be run.

Step Five: You need to fill out the necessary paperwork that will qualify your charity for non-profit status. You can contact the state authorities directly for the required paperwork.
Step Six: You will need to get yourself a Federal Employer Identification Number. This is utilized by the IRS to identify your charity, and is a prerequisite for all IRS paperwork that would help in obtaining grants as well.

Step Seven: It is important that your children’s charity is recognized by the IRS so that your charity will avail all benefits made available to it. This is where the Articles of Incorporation and bylaws come into play.

Step Eight: Choose a board of directors and a registered agent who will be responsible for overseeing the operations of the charity.

Setting up a children’s charity is not as easy task, and it is important that you seek expert legal advice during the process to ensure you get everything right.