The Spirit of Public Service

Anne Frank’s quote, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world” embodies our readiness to serve the community and less fortunate and help to develop it. A recent survey by Gallup revealed that four out of ten adults claimed to be likely to set aside time to help people in their communities. Close to 51% expressed the likelihood to help youth, most these respondents being college graduates.

Argosy University/Washington DC is one good example. Its psychology students have put their education and skills to good use by performing practicum work, internships and other project within the community itself. During 2004, the students recorded around 160,000 hours of public service.

Dr. Cynthia Baum, President, Argosy University/Washington DC said, “Argosy University has a long history of contributing to the community. The hours of service provided by our students fill a much-needed gap to primarily underserved and low-income groups.”
Meanwhile, Dr. Robert Barrett, Chairman of Argosy University/Washington DC’s clinical psychology program said, “There are over 170 sites to where the school sends its students to do pro bono work and provide much needed services to people who normally couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to receive these services.”

Apart from this practicum program administered as pro bono, the students also volunteer at other institutions such as the Kennedy-Krieger Institute of Child and Family Therapy and the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington D.C.
Students like the ones at the Argosy University/Washington DC have raised the bar, their dedication towards the community is exemplary and has helped them to not only develop an interest in the community’s development, but has also enabled them to improve their academic performances as well.