Recycling and Reusing Old Books

Sometimes you start going through your bookshelves and realize you have a fair amount of old books you do not want anymore. However, being the booklover you are, you just cannot imagine how you can dispose of them. How about donating them, or even sending them in for recycling?
Trade or Donate Books

You will find many websites online that will let you trade your old books for books you really want. Some of these websites are Paper Back Swap and ReadItSwapIt – which will let you trade specified titles with each other. Bookmooch is another similar website which gives you points for your books. Here, you can list the books you no longer need, and other users will request them, and every time you honour a request, you gain a point.

If the pile of books is large, you might also consider donating it to the local library or charity. You might even be able to obtain a tax receipt when donating your books, so that it can be claimed when processing your taxes. Once place that will give you a tax receipt is, the Used Book Superstore.
Organizations like Operation Paperback and Got Books? collect books and send them across to soldiers stationed at various places around the world. Books Beyond Borders on the other hand sends books and related educational resources to developing countries.

Recycling Your Books

Sometimes you might come across old books which are beyond repair, and cannot be read and will ultimately have no use for them. However, it can be heartbreaking to have to just throw it in the trash. Instead, give to your local recycling plant. This way, you know your old book is making a contribution towards the printing of a brand new book.

Donate auto to children’s charities

A lot of people talk about giving back to the community but are unable to do so because of the additional household expenses that overtake the overall household income that is earned from time to time. However, if you want to do something despite your constraints, you can donate auto that is unwanted with no expense from your side.

There are charities that provide a service to pick up your car donation Los Angeles, and will ensure that the financial proceeds from the vehicle go towards children in need from around the world in regards to their food, clothing and shelter as well as medication and education as well.

Children have a right to a bright and beautiful future, and these charities can collect a car donation MA with the nationwide towing facility that most of them have at their disposal. So, in making a donation, you will be glad to know that you are contributing to the future of a child that has no hope unlike most of us who are fortunate enough to get what we want.

As a thank you for your donation, you can claim a tax deduction on your yearly tax return, which should no doubt make it a win-win situation for all. After all, even kindness with no expectations deserves reward.
You can find several of these charities online, leaving you to decide how to go about doing what you can to make the life of a child’s future that much brighter.

Your Name and charity

Contributing to charity is a very noble thing to do. However, you should always find out exactly where your money goes. After all, if the hundred dollars you contributed to feed a starving child in Africa goes instead to some guy’s iPhone buying fund, you are being fleeced.

Sometimes charities will approach to obtain your services as a volunteer or ask you to serve on the board or sometimes even ask if they can use your name or your business’s name in their promotions. This is where you have to be extra careful, because this involves your reputation. Losing $100 is nothing compared to losing your reputation.

First of all, you have to find information about the organization and find out exactly where the money is going. Review past projects if you can and if possible, contact the recipients of those projects to ascertain if everything was done as it was supposed to be. Once you’re satisfied with what you’ve found, you should check with the other members of the board. Experienced scammers are prepared to lie in wait for a long time before they collect on their investment. You should also consider the charities future plans and how it ties in with you or your business.

Protecting your interests should be your first priority. Honorable intentions are good, but if the charity you are involved in gets into trouble, those intentions will do nothing to save you. It is a sad fact that unscrupulous characters use charities to further their needs. So for further safety, contact your local law enforcement authorities as well as your lawyer before you engage in any activity.