Recycling and Reusing Old Books

Sometimes you start going through your bookshelves and realize you have a fair amount of old books you do not want anymore. However, being the booklover you are, you just cannot imagine how you can dispose of them. How about donating them, or even sending them in for recycling?
Trade or Donate Books

You will find many websites online that will let you trade your old books for books you really want. Some of these websites are Paper Back Swap and ReadItSwapIt – which will let you trade specified titles with each other. Bookmooch is another similar website which gives you points for your books. Here, you can list the books you no longer need, and other users will request them, and every time you honour a request, you gain a point.

If the pile of books is large, you might also consider donating it to the local library or charity. You might even be able to obtain a tax receipt when donating your books, so that it can be claimed when processing your taxes. Once place that will give you a tax receipt is, the Used Book Superstore.
Organizations like Operation Paperback and Got Books? collect books and send them across to soldiers stationed at various places around the world. Books Beyond Borders on the other hand sends books and related educational resources to developing countries.

Recycling Your Books

Sometimes you might come across old books which are beyond repair, and cannot be read and will ultimately have no use for them. However, it can be heartbreaking to have to just throw it in the trash. Instead, give to your local recycling plant. This way, you know your old book is making a contribution towards the printing of a brand new book.