Barbara Streisand Sells “Stuff” at Auction

Barbara Streisand, the actress, the one we all love, has decided to get rid of her “stuff.” But she doesn’t plan to get rid of it the usual way (really, could you see Barbara Streisand having a garage sale). Actually she plans on having an auction in which she will auction some of her collectibles. Among the many items that are to be auctioned off will be costumes she wore in Funny Lady, and in Meet the Fockers.

The items to be sold are largely diverse, and may be something as simple as a wicker chair she had in her sun room, to a pair of trousers she liked back in 1986, there is even a record player she bought at the age of 18. The items are to go on show in Newbridge, Co Kildare, and Ireland in September and then sold in New York October 17th and 18th.

Streisand has donated the proceeds of over 400 items to the Streisand Foundation, whisch supports various children’s, women’s, political and environmental issues. These items come form her home in Malibu, New York and Beverly hills, and are being sold because she is tired of having the extra stuff hanging around. In her own words she says “I am a collector, but I can’t just keep collecting everything and there is no sense in keeping it in storage.” She believes others can better benefit from the sale of these items. She says, “it is just a good time to clean out the closets.”