The Prince Harry Natasha Bedingfield Concert For Charity

The news is out that Prince Harry and British pop singer, Natasha Bedingfield have been secretly putting together plans for a concert to raise money to benefit the African charities that they are both involved with. It has been said that the two have been secretly working on the project for several months. Although all the details aren’t known at this time, it has been reported that the flagship concert will kick off in 2010 and will be televised around the world. The concert will also be in the style of Live-Aid.

This however will not be the first time that Prince Harry and Natasha Bedingfield have teamed together for a concert. The two joined forces two years ago when Bedingfield sang at Princess Diana’s memorial concert that commemorated the 10th anniversary of her death. Princess Diana was of course the mother of Prince Harry.

The charities that will benefit from the 2010 Live-Aid styled concert are Prince Harry’s “Sentebale” charity, which supports orphans in Lesotho, a tiny nation surrounded by South Africa and “Global Angels”, which is an international children’s charity ran by Natasha’s mother, Molly Bedingfield, and of which Natasha is an ambassador. Molly Bedingfield, Prince Harry and his team have had several meetings about the televised concert and they are also hoping to sell thounsands of tickets to music fans. Concerts for charity have always done well and judging by the histroy of Live-Aid type concerts, this 2010 concert stands to do very well and raise a lot of money.