Looking for a meaningful way to make a difference?

There are quite a number of families around the world who suffer everyday from hunger and poverty and can barely imagine where their next meal is coming from. A donation of livestock might help them sustain themselves, and through Heifer International, you can do just this. For the last sixty years or so, Heifer International has provided farm animals and training in sustainable agriculture practices to poor families. You too can help fund all or part of this cost.

Goat $120
Llama $150
Water Buffalo $250
Heifers $500
Chicken, duck, geese $20
Hive of honeybees $30

Here is how the program works:

1. Instead of shopping for meaningless gifts, donate any farm animal, be it a sheep, cow or anything else in honour of someone close to your heart. It could be your mother, father – anyone! This is the opportunity for you to start a special family tradition.
2. Once you make the donation, that beneficiary family gets a gift card which describes the generous contribution you have made for them.
3. Your donation has put one more family in self-sustaining position. Once they complete the training and have prepared the necessary facilities, they receive the animal you helped provide.
4. The animal you helped provide will help the family with wool or milk or transportation or eggs. Surplus products will be sold by the family to provide them with an extra income which can then go on to fund school supplies, medicine and other expenses.
5. Every animal received via Heifer International’s program comes with promise – which is that the family will pass on the gift by giving the animal’s first female offspring to another family. This way, your gift has a rippling effect for many years.