Silent Auction Ideas

If your charity event for the year is a silent auction, here are a few things you need to know. Firstly, start off with involving some items that are generally used at all silent auctions and have proven to be show winners. There are a few businesses that are constant donators of items for such charity events, and are used to the procedures involved. This means that they already understand the idea behind the silent auction and the cause towards charity and will be more than willing to help you out. Try to get creative with the items up for auction, but the basic items will create the best possible foundation for your charity event.

Basic silent auction items:

Hotel stays – first you should try your luck with a few local hotels and try to market their offerings as a romantic escape, a getaway close to home, etc. You might be able to even find people in your charity who work in the local hotel industry, and they might be able to set you up with a good deal.

Restaurant vouchers – approach restaurants in your area, and ask them to donate a few ‘dinners for two’. These are top sellers at silent auctions and have proven to be quite popular. If looking for more creative offers, try to set up a good deal with a local bakery or even gourmet groceries or supermarkets.

Retail donations – any store that sells basic items can be asked to donate anything and everything. Try the local gift store, boutique, clothing store, grocery, etc. Give them the option of even donating a gift certificate.
Services – ask your local hair dresser, yoga studio, dance instructor or anyone else to donate an hour or two of their services towards your charity.