Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America (BBBSA)

BBBSA is the oldest and largest youth mentoring charity organization in the United States serving over 220,000 children age between six to 18-years.  Their mentors work one-on-one with children to help develop confidence, learning skills and habits, and working with adults.  Children in the program are less likely to use drugs, skip school, use alcohol, and get into trouble with the law.  As a result those kids who are in the program do better at studies and relate better to adults.

BBBSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed under the U.S. tax code.  Its mission is to help children achieve their potential through professionally supported one-on-one help from mentoring Big Brothers and Big Sisters.  A young New York City court clerk named Ernest Kent Coulter founded the organization in 1904 to help young kids whom he has seen going through the court system.  Even though it started in the City of New York, by 1916, it spread to over more than 96 cities.  In 1977, it joined forces with similar group helping girls and became the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America.  It currently operates in all 50 states of the U.S. and 12 other countries around the world.